What matters most? Size or Definition?
Depends whom you want to impress. Girls love definition. Guys love size. What do you think? Inputs welcome.
Divide And Rule - Applies to Muscular Development too.
Each of your muscles have different capacities in lifting weights, growing at a particular rate and absorbing nutrition. Divide your...
What is more harmful for us Sugar or Salt?
Tips for Longevity
Sweet Drinks or Sweet Dish what is more harmful?
Eating healthy is the key to longevity.
Is exercise better in the morning or evening?
Mornings. Early to be early to rise is the best approach one should follow. We end up only wasting time doing late nights. (Keep that for...
This is the title of your first post
In our lives there are ups and downs ... success and failure. When we fail we discover the depths to which we can fall. When we undergo a...