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Rules and Regulations:

This event is a case study. 
Participate only if you can be committed to exercise 5 times in a week. 
There will be two batches morning 6 am to 7 am and evening 5 pm to 6 pm. You can attend either one. Failure to att
end 5 times a week 
shall disqualify you.
Your fitness journey needs to be Documented and Shot on Video and still photographs. You must have an Instagram, Facebook and Youtube account. Your Videos and photos are to be shot daily (by you) and shared daily on youtube and Instagram.
We shall publicise you, your transformation and help you create your following on social media.
We reserve the right of ownership on the videos and pictures shot during this transformation either by you or by us. And shall be used by us as we please. 
No financial consideration shall be provided to the participants nor they will have to pay for this transformation.
The rules can be changed, modified by us and all decisions regarding this event shall be at our discretion
The participants shall abide by the rules and regulations of our fitness centre while they are at our premises.


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